Historical fencing

It is an exhibition of contemporary military background from 15th-16th century, taking place in Europe. There are fencing fights, archers, scenic performances, contemporary crafts. It is suitable as afternoon or evening program for your teambuilding.

Informative price list (not including VAT)

Scenic performances: short
Divine judgement - contemporary law for farmers and aristocracy, duration: about 10 minutes
Heritage – family argument of aristocracy when splitting the property: about 10 minutes
Price: total 300€

Scenic performances: long (all exhibitions, one contemporary camp).
Name: Canon – besieged fort expect artillery support but not everything goes well in the end: about 20 minutes
Name: Mistake – bad understanding of castle soldier´s command leads to tricky situation, about 20 minutes
Reconstruction of commands and tactics for army in 15th-16th century (pavisers, halberdiers, pikemen, shooters, heavy infantry, mercenaries, drummers, flag bearers).
WE RECCOMMEND – One long performance and one performance of firearm, price: 300€

Contemporary life, crafts
Performance of mercenaries life at military expedition :
Shooters – mechanical weapons – bows, crossbows, exes, spears, slings (dynamic performance with these weapons, there is a possibility for customers to try shooting
Firearms – Performance of shooting from hand and mounted weapons (whistles, arquebus, bazooka, howitzer)
Price: 200€

Crafts – contemporary cuisine, spa, games, blacksmith shop.
Price: from 200 up to 500€

Archers: shooting from bows, crossbow
Price: 250€

Contemporary camp on military expedition – everything in one – cuisine, fencing, spa, armoury, dynamic performances ..........
Price for the whole day: 1000€

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In additional program by group Cech Terra de Selinan you can see:

  • exhibition of contemporary military background from 15th-16th century, taking place in Europe
  • fencing
  • contemporary life and crafts
  • performance from mercenary´s life on military expedition
  • shooters from mechanical weapons
  • firearms
  • crafts
  • archers
  • contemporary camps on military expedition

Performers of historical fencing - group Terra de Selinnan

Group performing historical fencing Terra de selinnan was formed in 1990. In 1995 they started presenting their art to the general public. They focus on gothic period.

At the end of 2002 there were made some changes in the group, then the name was changed and number of members has stabilized for ten. The name Terra de selinnan expresses its orientation and area of activity. Originally the name was created according to the oldest written report about the land of Žilina from 13th century which we can find in the document of Tomas from Nitra, probably from year 1208. It is written in Latin and land of Žilina has been named as Terra de Selinan there. Their performances are not just about fencing but also about production of weapons and armor. In their name you can finad also a word “guild”, which means group oriented on different areas from medieval life.

Fencing art you could see at many events in Slovakia and Czech Republic, for example at Old town festival in Žilina, Conquest of the castle Beckov, Sklabinské castle games, Bojnice Chateau, Castle games in Trenčín, Wothanburg, International fencing festival in Kroměříž, Orava Chateau, Town festival in Brezno, Festival of historical fencing and contemporary culture in Liptov etc. We have been also co-organizing event Lietavské castle festival.

The main mission of the group is to support awareness about history and to show medieval way of life to its members and generally to public. They try to show different ways of fights, crafts, dances and cultures both in theoretical and practical forms.

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