
This educational part is mostly for rescue teams, outdoor enthusiasts, military, airsoft and paintball teams and for everybody who likes staying in nature and always wants to find the right way.

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The goal of topography courses is to gain knowledge for determining the location and route by maps, electronic devices GPS and natural elements.

Content of topography courses is:

  • teaching the basic types of maps and map symbols: basic types and scales, content of topographic maps, mathematical elements, content of planimetric maps, fixed points, settlements, industry, railways, roads, waters, etc., auxiliary elements
  • work with the map: orientation in the terrain with a map, determine its own habitat, determine the distance, determine coordinates, work with compass,
  • determining the azimuth on the map,
  • work with map of GPS device,
  • determination of cardinal points by natural phenomena, with the stars, sun, watches and other natural elements,
  • topography of the "high level", for experienced airsoft teams and paintball teams

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